Saturday, June 20, 2020


I've come to the conclusion that Donald Trump not only doesn't believe in sacrifice, he has no idea what it really means. The whole concept of "taking one for the team" eludes him. If he were playing baseball and the manager told him to sacrifice bunt, he'd swing for the fences instead. The only win that counts is his he costs the team the game by not letting the other runner score, what does that matter? He got on base.

That's what makes him a bad Christian; shoot, he's not a Christian at all, no matter what he says. The whole religion is based on a great sacrifice...and if it wouldn't get him in trouble with his base, he'd probably call Jesus a "loser." "Why didn't he fight back?" Trump probably asks in his heart of hearts. "Why did he give in?"

At some point in every hero story, the protagonist has to make a sacrifice. Trump is no hero.

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