Friday, June 26, 2020

Fan Art: Modern Western

I can't say I'm a big fan of Western movies and TV series, but there are a few that I watch whenever they're on: Dodge City and Virginia City with Errol Flynn, Red River with John Wayne and Montgomery Clift, and the one I'm celebrating here: Silverado.

Silverado was written and directed by Lawrence Kasdan. It is clearly an homage to the classic Westerns of the past, but with a more modern sensibility about race and gender. The cast has tremendous chemistry--but what else can you expect from a group that includes Scott Glenn, Kevin Kline, Kevin Costner, Danny Glover, Brian Dennehy, Jeff Goldblum and Linda Hunt?

I won't go too deep into the plot, except to say it involves four strangers who meet and become not just friends, but a team in cleaning up a corrupt town.

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