Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Granted that, in the modern world, with phones, the internet, Zoom, and a myriad of other ways of connecting, a prolonged period without face-to-face contact with friends and family is nowhere near as difficult as it would have been even 30 years ago, let alone 100 years ago in the time of the Spanish Flu pandemic. Still, there comes a point when screen-time is simply not as gratifying as physical time together.

I'm not suggesting we all start shaking hands, high-fiving, and hugging right now (though, as an inveterate hugger, I miss that), but the ability to hear a human voice without the electronic filter of a speaker, to see human eyes light up without a camera and a screen distorting the image, to feel the warmth of human interaction, even at a six-foot distance, is something I long to experience again.

I know we're all going to awkward when we meet face-to-face again. In some ways, it might feel like a first date: What is this person comfortable doing right now? But I'd prefer that very human awkwardness to the isolation I've been feeling in the past few weeks.

How about you?

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