Thursday, December 31, 2020

What's Ahead

 I'm far from an expert on any of this stuff, and some of this is just my hopeful nature, but here some predictions for 2021:

1. The last ditch attempts by some Republicans to reverse the Presidential election will be a dismal failure.

2. The Georgia Senate run-offs will result in a 50-50 split in the Senate, with VP Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote. That will put, most likely, Chuck Schumer in the majority leader position, allowing him to control what bills come to the floor.

3. By mid-year, theaters (both film and live) will reopen, with some restrictions. In some areas, that might include proof of vaccination before you can use a ticket. 

4. In September, most school districts will offer in-person learning to anyone who wants it, while continuing on-line offerings to those who don't, at least through the winter holidays. The largest districts will likely require proof of COVID vaccination before re-enrollment.

6. Indoor dining will largely resume by early spring, with some restrictions.

7. While state-wide mask mandates will be over by mid-year, some areas and some businesses may continue to require masks for the foreseeable future. The plexiglass shields in retail businesses will remain, I'd bet forever.

8. Because so many people have grown used to using them, restaurant delivery services like Grub Hub and Uber Eats will continue to thrive. Same with grocery delivery.

9. Domestic airline and train travel will be virtually normal by Thanksgiving...although it's possible there may be rules about proof of vaccination or negative tests, on a company-by-company basis.

10. Depending on how much foreign governments trust that the Biden administration has things under control, foreign travel will return to normal as well....but the cruise industry will still suffer.

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