Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

 Last night, on the news, Jill and I saw a report on the preparations being made for the traditional "ball-drop" in Times Square on New Year's Eve. The report included the plans New York City was making to keep the crowd within pandemic restriction limits.

It immediately occurred to both of us: "If that's really your concern (and it should be) why are you permitting the ball-drop at all?" If you don't want a crowd in Times Square, the easiest way to avoid it is not to give them a reason to be there. Sure, there will still be idiots who want to gather in large numbers to celebrate, but there will be far fewer if there's nothing to draw them to that one location. If nothing else, they would be spread out among several other places in the city, such as along the Hudson River waterfront to watch the fireworks display instead. (Or, even better, stay home and celebrate sensibly there.)

You might as well announce "Come to our COVID super-spread party in Times Square! There will be entertainment and spectacle!"

1 comment:

MorwensCat said...

Absolutely agree. There is no way to make this safe. People will come, infect each other, and go back to various states taking covid with them. Dumbest idea ever.