Monday, December 07, 2020

28 Days

What can be accomplished in 28 days? That's what left for the current session of Congress, including the probable recess for Christmas and New Year's. If you take that out, this session has only about 12 days left--less than two weeks!

In that time, the Congress must pass at least a continuing resolution to keep the government funded; it ought to also pass some kind of additional relief bill tied to the pandemic. What are the chances? I doubt either party wants to see a government shut-down timed for the holidays, so the funding bill will pass in some form. I am less sanguine about the relief bill. Mitch McConnell seems adamant about not allowing anything that will look like a "victory" for the Democrats, at least not before the Georgia Senate run-off on January 5.

Joe Biden has said we are in for a "dark winter". I fear he is right.

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