Sunday, December 20, 2020

Christmas Prep

 Did you decorate for Christmas this year? We didn't--except for putting up lights outside.

We disposed of our artificial tree after last season (it was on its last legs) and had intended to order a new one for this year. But as the holidays approached, we realized that we would undoubtedly have no visitors over Christmas--the pandemic restrictions and their own requirements meant that our sons and their significant others would not be joining us.

Getting a new tree. putting it up and decorating it seemed like an awful lot of fuss for just the two of us. It would have meant clearing space in the living room (always more of a hassle than it seems), hauling the decorations out of the attic--and then undoing it all just a couple of weeks later. So, we decided to skip it this year...and maybe do it up even bigger and better next year, as a celebration of getting out of pandemic.

How has your Christmas planning changed?

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