Saturday, December 05, 2020

Theater Struggles

 Once again, I'm posting here a letter I sent to my local paper, The Delaware County Daily Times, on a subject near and dear to me:

I commend you on reprinting in Saturday's paper the editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer regarding the difficulties the live entertainment industry has faced over the past nine months and will continue to face in the foreseeable future.

But I note that, in Delaware County, live theater mostly means volunteer community theater...and those venues are struggling as well. They have rents, utilities and other costs that continue whether they are putting on shows or not and they have had no revenues to support those payments since March.

I ask your readers who enjoy live theater to support these organizations with donations. In order to avoid omitting anyone, I simply ask that they search "community theater in Delaware County" on line and see the results. Anything you give will keep these organizations alive until they can once again stage a play, a musical, or a revue.

That plea goes out to you all, too. No matter where you live, find a local community theater and donate.


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