Friday, December 04, 2020

Audition Assets

 This post is mainly for my theater friends. What do you consider the strongest assets you bring to an audition? Not necessarily the assets you bring to a role should you be cast, but the strengths you have that would encourage a director to cast you? What are you weakest ones?

For me, I think my strongest asset is the ability to give a good cold read. I pride myself on getting up on stage with a script or side in hand, one that I may have had only five or ten minutes to look at, and flawlessly perform the part. I know how to pronounce the difficult words, I know how to look up from the page and then back without losing my place, I can find a character and a voice for that character.

As a director, I value that in an auditioning actor, because it's difficult to know how the actor will perform when cast if he or she is stumbling through a cold read.

My weakest asset? This only applies to musicals, of course--I can't dance. I have no training in it and I have the rhythm of a centipede with all left feet. I hate when I have to do a dance audition for a show in which I am trying out for a character who doesn't dance. Want an idea of how bad my sense of rhythm is? Watch this video:

(I can sing in rhythm, of course...but I can't move in it.)

So, what do you bring to an audition that will get you cast? And what do you hope will not be asked?

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