Saturday, November 07, 2020

Pounding the Table

 I guess I have to get back to politics, today.

Apparently, it doesn't occur to President Trump that the reason he can't get any high-power Republican lawyers to sign on to his efforts to stop the vote counting is that they have all looked at his "evidence" and determined that, in the words of Dorothy Parker, "there's no there there." There are both Republican and Democratic observers in every venue where counting is going on; all those observers are operating under the same conditions and restrictions; there is constant video observation of the activity, available to the public on the web.

And no reputable, non-partisan observer has reported significant irregularities. For that matter, no partisan observer actually in the room has reported such. Trump and his supporters have reached the point where, in the well-known aphorism about legal tactics, all they can do is pound the table.

You know who else pounds the table when they can't get their way? Toddlers having tantrums and autocrats (see Krushchev and his shoe).

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