Monday, November 02, 2020

A Head Full of Stuff

 Some mornings it's tough to come up with something to write about...but I made a commitment to myself to post every day at least for the first year of this blog. That means this morning will be something of a mish-mash.

My head is full of what my wife calls "nickel-knowledge". I can sing the entire theme song from any number of old TV shows, among them The Patty Duke Show, Mary Tyler Moore, and Gidget. Speaking of theme songs, did you know you can sing "Amazing Grace" to the theme from Gilligan's Island--and vice versa? Or that virtually every poem Emily Dickenson wrote can be sung to the tune of "The Yellow Rose of Texas"?

I can name all 13 Doctors (14, if you count the "War Doctor") in order. I know that Sean Connery was not the first actor to play James Bond (look it up). I know that Peter O'Toole is the only actor to be Oscar-nominated for playing the same character in two movies--one of which is not the sequel or prequel to the other.

See what I mean?

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