Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Inside a Fraudster's Head

 My wife has a phrase she uses to explain Donald Trump's mindset: "Whatever is not expressly prohibited is permitted." In other words, there are no cultural, societal, political norms he feels obligated to abide by, unless they have been codified into law.

I would argue that does not go far enough...as clearly there are legal restrictions he feels he can ignore when it suits him. Fraud, as was the case in the Trump University situation, is one of them--which may be why he thinks he can accuse others of fraud without supplying evidence. "I do it all the time, of course everyone else does. Why wouldn't they? Are they so stupid they would obey a law that is so easily and so profitably violated?"

This is his attitude: If you don't take every advantage, even illegal ones, even immoral ones, you're a simpleton. It's why he felt perfectly justified barging into the dressing rooms at the Miss Teen USA pageant. "It's my show, I'm paying the bills, I'll go anywhere I please...especially if it gives me a thrill."

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