Wednesday, November 25, 2020

TV Drama and Current Events 2

 Following up on yesterday's post:

Last night I watched two more shows presenting new episodes produced since the pandemic: NCIS and FBI. Neither one seemed to make any concession to what has been and is happening in the real world. No one in either cast was wearing a mask or other protective gear. The sets for their respective offices were unchanged--no social distancing between desks, no plexiglass barriers. There was no reference in dialogue, on either show, to the virus.

In fact, on FBI. one of the leads did something that, under current conditions, might be considered highly risky: She slept with a man she had met only weeks before and did not live with. Granted, he's a fellow FBI agent, but....

Unlike the episodes of All Rise and Bull from Monday night, these scripts could have been (and probably were) written before the COVID crisis.

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