Wednesday, May 13, 2020

More Than Acquaintances

Remembering Marty Pasko yesterday got me to thinking of all the comics professionals I have met in life. Some have remained only professional relationships; others are friends, as Marty was; some are not quite friends, but more than acquaintances.

Some of the friends date from before either one of us had a professional career in comics, among them Peter David and George Perez. Others are people I knew peripherally before we became pros, but our friendships grew through our pro contacts, such as Paul Levitz and Bob Greenberger.

The more than acquaintances are many: Mark Evanier, Walt and Weezie Simonson, and Jo Duffy are notable among that group.

In your life, do you have similar relationships?

1 comment:

Cat Calhoun said...

In the realm of business I have made very few friends. Holly Hoover, who I met at Anvil, is a business associate who is now a friend. In general, I tend to keep business associates just that until I quit working in a place. Even then, those who transition to a role in my private life are few and far between.
In the realm of friends, there are many who are more than acquaintances but not quite friends.
This shows up most strikingly in my facebook account. Some people I interact with regularly, some only occasionally, some not at all but I still want to keep track of them. Some I keep track of only because they remind me of a particular time in my life.