Friday, May 22, 2020

If I Were a Rich Man

In the song of that title from Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye dreams of the ways in which his life would change if he had "a small fortune." He describes a grand house (well, in Anatevka terms) with servants...but that is not primarily for him--it's for his wife, Golde. He talks of being respected and asked for advice. But, most importantly, he wishes for the time to spend in prayer and study: "That would be the sweetest gift of all."

So, I've been thinking of what I would want if I were suddenly rich (a lottery win or something similar). First of all I would pay off any debts--and not just mine, but those of my children as well. Second, I would set up a trust fund for them, so that I knew they would be taken care of in the future. Third, I would spend on myself and my wife: Move to a home without stairs, so that Jill can get around more easily. Take a really nice vacation (once that might have included a cruise...under current conditions, I'm not so sure).

Fourth, I would choose a charity or two and set up a foundation to support them. I'm not sure which ones...that might depend on my exact situation when this windfall occurs.

What would you do with "a small fortune"?

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