Tuesday, February 09, 2021


 I keep trying to find ways to keep myself busy during the pandemic...and the recent weather has not made that any easier.

My church is one of the places I am increasing my activity. I am now a member of the technology committee--something that a year ago I doubt anyone in our parish would have thought we needed. But we've been recording and live-streaming services on an almost daily basis, as well as holding meetings that way. (Our annual meeting, required by the by-laws and canons, was held by Zoom this past weekend.)

To facilitate all this, we had a streaming camera installed in the nave of the church in December and this afternoon I have a training session on how to control it. This is in preparation for a funeral service this Saturday, which will be live-streamed, because the live attendees are limited to the immediate family mourners.

Has your volunteering increased in the past year?

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