Monday, February 01, 2021

Snow Big Deal

 Yesterday, as the storm was beginning, I put down a layer of salt on my driveway; it kept things clear for a few hours, until it got dark, I think. This morning, there was about an inch of snow on the driveway, but about two inches on the sidewalk I didn't salt.

Two inches isn't enough to bother with the snow blower--and the snow is pretty light and fluffy--so I got out the shovel and with little lifting and a lot of pushing, I cleared most of the driveway to the pavement, and the sidewalk almost to the pavement. Then I threw more salt on the sidewalk, to help that along.

Sure, I'll have to do some of this again tomorrow--and maybe use the blower--but getting through four or five inches of snow is a lot easier than getting through six to eight inches.

Updates tomorrow.

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