Thursday, July 02, 2020

More on Masks

Here in PA, the governor announced yesterday that he is expanding the requirement for wearing masks. Previously, under the "green" phase we are currently in, masks were only required when entering buildings. Now, he says they are required even outdoors when social distancing is not possible.

Of course, that's rather vague. Do I need to where a mask in the parking lot of the local shopping center if there's a chance I might pass within six feet of someone else? Or just in outdoor venues that are crowded? Do I need to wear a mask when I walk or run the track at the local middle school if there's someone else doing the same thing?

And, again of course, there's no mention of any kind of enforcement. I seriously doubt if our local police will take a pro-active stance on this, confronting a group of kids in a parking lot about wearing masks. Nor do I think they will take seriously a call from a citizen about such behavior.

Rules without teeth beg to be ignored.


JudyBG said...

It’s a good reminder to people to stop behaving as if the pandemic is over or that the virus is no big deal. I don’t see how it could be enforced either, but a lot of laws are not enforceable in the sense you mean. No one checks to see if I am actually wearing my seatbelt, and plenty of people text while driving. Darwin takes care of some of this behaviour. And it may in the pandemic as well. Unfortunately, unlike the seatbelt example, other people may die or just suffer permanent physical injury.

Cat Calhoun said...

It may not be enforceable but it gives businesses, municipalities, etc the backing they need to insist if a situation arises: flea markets, farmer's markets. By expanding it I would think it would also make business feel more comfortable about insisting shoppers wear a mask.