Sunday, July 19, 2020


Am I alone in thinking that our current situation--pandemic, lock-down, racial and political unrest--has caused normally sane, rational people to go off the deep end? All too often I see postings from people I have known for years espousing extreme positions--on both the right and the left. I see writings from newspaper columnists--who I may have disagreed with in the past but who I always thought of as reasonable--that take positions so far from the center as to fall off the edge.

I'm not naming names or posting examples. I'm not interested in starting any flame wars. But I sincerely wonder if we can continue in our present state without coming to blows with those with whom we used to share common interests, if not always the same opinions.

1 comment:

Cat Calhoun said...

Your assessment is correct. The differences of opinion have been getting progressively more extreme for years with Trump fanning the flames, so to speak, and causing a sudden uptick. The current situation with the onset of the coronavirus and all that involves has exacerbated the situation. Unwillingness to compromise or unwillingness to adhere to government guidelines or unwillingness to admit there is even a problem usually results in a the aggrieved party swinging to an extreme position and the opposition digging in even harder.