Monday, April 19, 2021

Tunneling Through Time Again


The other day, the FXM Channel (sort of TCM for just 20th-Century Fox films) ran the movie version of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea...and that got me thinking.

Thanks to its acquisition of Fox, Disney now has the rights to all of the Irwin Allen movies and series. And then I pondered, which ones would lend themselves to a series on one of the Disney streaming services? I decided the most likely candidate (after Lost in Space, which has already been done) is The Time Tunnel.

With Disney's bigger budgets and modern SFX, this story of two guys lost in time and the home team trying to retrieve them could be a major success. And it needn't be plopping them down into a big historical event every week. Just a tale of trying to survive and fit in a time period that isn't your own would be intriguing enough and, of course, just as the original series did in its short run, sometimes they could wind up in the future, not the past.

Possibly, it could even be done as more than one new time jump every week. Maybe do it as an eight-episode season, with each story taking two episodes? And with an underlying season-long arc, perhaps one that is linked to the home base and not the time travelers?

Any thoughts?

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