Saturday, April 10, 2021

Closing the Gaetz?

 So, Matt Gaetz's  buddy Joel Greenberg has been arrested and charged, after several hours of a stand-off in which he threatened harm to himself and/or others, if he didn't get a deal. No word on what that deal may include, but experts in federal law enforcement say there's no way he got any deal at all without agreeing to talk about others involved in his encounters with under-age women....and the biggest suspected fish in that pond is Gaetz.

And, finally, another Republican member of the House, Adam Kinzinger, has said Gaetz should, at the least, lose his seats on any committees and, at the most, resign or be ejected from Congress. The feeling seems to be that none of that will happen unless and until Gaetz is also officially charged with a crime. Meanwhile, Gaetz continues to operate as a member of the House committee that oversees the very people who are investigating him.

The House ethics committee is also looking into Gaetz. I'm not impressed...the ethics committee is, for the most part, a toothless tiger.

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