Sunday, April 04, 2021


 I attended a lovely church service last night, an Easter vigil, held outdoors with a fire pit, candles and unusual readings, including a singing of the spiritual "Go Down Moses," in place of the Old Testament reading from Exodus.

Of course, as in any Easter service, a good part of the theme was "rising". And that got me to thinking today about our current situation. Are we rising, as a community, as a nation, as a world? In many ways, I think we are--we are rising, slowly and in fits and starts, from a pandemic; we are rising from a political morass of lies, corruption, and partisan stagnation; we are rising from a world of international distrust.

But, in other ways, we may be sinking. Sinking into a feeling that only those who believe as we do (politically, religiously, ethically) are men and women of good will; sinking into a world divided by wealth and poverty.

My hope is that we can rise above that sinking into a dawn of nationwide and worldwide resurrection.

Happy Easter!

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