Saturday, April 03, 2021

Seasoning Humanity

 Every religion has festivals and holidays tied to the seasons. For Judaism, it begins in the fall with Rosh Hashana (New Year) and Yom Kippur coming right around the autumnal equinox. Then comes Chanukah, at the winter solstice and Passover at the vernal equinox. In late spring, just before the summer solstice is Shavuot.

For Christianity, it starts with Christmas, just after the winter solstice, followed by Easter at the vernal equinox, Pentecost in late spring, and All Saint's Day just after the autumnal equinox.

We began as hunter-gatherer and agrarian people, to whom the seasons were important because of changes in the available food. Now the seasons mark our other activities--sports, vacations, school. We are a seasonal animal, as much as birds, insects, and other mammals.

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