Thursday, September 03, 2020

Vote Early, Vote Often?

President Trump actually advised, even urged, his supporters to vote twice yesterday. He framed it in terms of "preventing fraud," but what he actually told them to do was to mail in their ballot and then, on Election Day, go to the polls anyway and, if their ballot had not yet been counted, vote again.

Since, in most states, mail-in and absentee ballots are not counted until the polls close, of course a mail-in ballot will not have been counted yet. OTOH, in Pennsylvania's primary, I requested a mail-in ballot but it had not arrived by Election Day (in fact, it arrived the day after). When I went to the polling place, the roll book indicated I had requested a mail-in ballot...and while I was not allowed to cast a regular ballot, I did cast a provisional one...which was eventually counted as my vote, when my mail-in ballot never arrived.

That's the way it's supposed to work. If you received a mail-in ballot, filled it out and mailed it on time, if you show up at the polls anyway, you should get a provisional ballot...which will only be valid if your mail-in ballot does not arrive by your state's deadline.

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