Friday, September 04, 2020

Labor Day

 What does a three-day weekend look like in a time of pandemic and lock-down? Well, based on what happened over Memorial Day and Independence Day, it looks like a time when a lot of people think the rules are suspended.

Naturally, that worries me...especially with school having already started or about to start. How many kids, teachers, staff will be exposed to the virus who haven't been up to now....and I'm not even talking about anyone who foolishly attends some big gathering where people go maskless and crowd together too close. I'm talking about the ones who will inadvertently come into contact with the idiots who do ignore safety and sense for the sake of a little temporary fun.

Here's some advice: You may think the virus is a hoax; you may think the whole thing is overblown...but why not take the precautions anyway? You probably think you're a good driver and you won't have an accident--but you buckle your seatbelt anyway. Think of masks and social distancing the same way.

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