Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Surfeit of Memorials--2

I hadn't intended to give two days to this topic, but this morning's newspaper spurred me to write an addendum.

This morning our local paper, the Delaware County Daily Times, devoted five full pages (not counting the front page) to covering the local 9/11 memorials. That was virtually its entire "news hole," as the journalistic usage goes. I find it hard to believe that, in a county of more than 500,000, nothing else of note occurred in the past 24 hours--no fires, no crimes of any kind, no political activity at all? I should also point out that the Daily Times also runs news about neighboring areas--Philadelphia, Chester and Montgomery counties, even the state of Delaware--there was nothing newsworthy in any of those areas on September 11, 2020?

This is what I mean when talk about a "surfeit of memorials."

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