Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The First Thing I'll Do....

What's the first thing you want to do when you're sure it's safe, post-pandemic? What have you missed most in the past six months and will be most eager to return to?

For me, it's theater--either going to see a live performance or performing or directing in one. Mostly, I miss all the people I work with, the lively, talented, mostly amateur actors, directors, and stage crew that make working in community theater in this area such a delight.

So the first thing I will do is go see a show--even if no one I know is involved. The mere experience of seeing a live performance surrounded by other people is like nothing else in life...20, 50, 100 people, most of whom do not know each other, laughing, crying and applauding--reacting to the same stimuli all at the same time.

What's the first thing you'll do?

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