Monday, August 03, 2020


This is a follow-up to yesterday's post about the Black Lives Matter march and rally in Ridley, where I live.

Yesterday, a counter-rally (unfortunately, much bigger) was held at the site of the police station...and while it appeared to be peaceful and the organizers made all the right noises about "only supporting the police" (see the article in today's Daily Times--I'd link to it, but the paper only allows me to read three articles on line a month),  including a statement from chief organizer Joe Carafa, who said, "What happened yesterday had nothing to do with us." But it was clear that many of the attendees were the same people who screamed, shouted obscenities, and attempted to disrupt the BLM march--including some pick-up trucks that were identified as the same ones that deliberately spouted black exhaust at the marchers on Saturday.

More disturbing perhaps were a couple of comments in the "Sound-Off" column this morning, a feature in which people can call or e-mail and make anonymous remarks.  One caller proudly announced "I was there and flying a Confederate flag, why is it wrong?" Well, my friend, if you have to ask, you clearly will never get it.

Even worse, though, was this one: "We have our rights. This is our home. We don't want it invaded and we can stand up for ourselves...." [emphasis added].

"Invaded?" If that is the way you speak and think of your fellow citizens exercising their rights, then you don't have any idea what the United States of America is about.

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