Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fall Sports

The organization in charge of high school sports in Pennsylvania--the PIAA--has decided that those schools that want to proceed with outdoor interscholastic sports this semester can. That would mean football, predominantly, but also soccer, cross-country track, and, I think, field hockey. They are still advising against indoor sports (such as volleyball). And the state regulations still pretty much prevent fans in the bleachers (limit is 250 maybe family members of the players could be permitted).

Not sure how I feel about this, when so many other non-athletic extra-curricular activities are still prohibited--no band or choral concerts, no plays or musicals. (I'm assuming the marching bands will not be doing their traditional half-time shows or pep-band material, since they are not permitted to practice.) This seems to put the athletes on a different level from all the other students.

Your thoughts?

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