Monday, August 10, 2020

Come Saturday Morning

I'm about to reveal just how old I am. This is a remembrance of how I spent Saturday mornings between the ages of roughly five and thirteen.

Depending on how early I got up, the day began with either Crusader Rabbit or Howdy Doody (later on Shari Lewis would replace Buffalo Bob and the residents of Doodyville).

I don't remember exactly the order these came in but after that would be:

Andy's Gang ("Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy")
The Roy Rogers Show ("Happy trails to you....")
Mighty Mouse ("Here I come to save the day....")
Fury ("The story of a horse and the boy who loved him...." and the first place I saw Peter Graves)
Sky King ("Out of the blue of the western sky....)
The Lone Ranger ("Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear")

By that time, it was lunch and then the family went off for weekend shopping.

So, what are your memories of Saturday mornings?

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