Sunday, January 02, 2022


 Ever had a period of time where you simply lost track of what day of the week it is? That's how it's been for me over the past ten days or so.

Part of it may be the timing of this year's holidays. With Christmas and New Year falling on Saturday, it seemed as though the weekend began on Friday, with the eves of both those Saturday became Sunday and the rest of the week simply a blur. Of course, being retired, the work week means much less to me now than it did two years ago, but I still keep track because Jill is still working full-time. 

But she works from home...and her business is closed from December 23 until January 3, so that no longer mattered for the last ten days, either. Add in that all that means we have not been keeping to our usual morning routine, either--sleeping late, for instance, nearly every day this week. (Although "sleeping late" in this house means getting up at 7 or 7:30 instead of 6, so.....)

So, today is Sunday, right? I think....

1 comment:

Cat Calhoun said...

I've had the same problem. And, yes, today is Sunday! Very confusing couple of weeks.