Friday, January 14, 2022

Boba Not-So-Feckless

 This post is in the way of an apology to the producers and writers of The Book of Boba Fett, A few days ago, I complained that they had apparently ignored the relationship between Fett and the Tuskens in setting up the "current day" portion of their story. This week, they corrected that "error"--which I admit was not one--by showing that the Pikes (the fish-like aliens who ran the train through the Tusken territory) wiped out the Tuskens in revenge, while Fett was away.

In addition, except for that one scene, they avoided flashbacks for the most part this time around, finally telling a story that was predominantly about Fett's struggle to control his domain. A good part of it, though, was simply a Tattooine-based version of a classic urban car chase in any contemporary crime caper--it was fun, but the various tropes they included were just too obvious.

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