Thursday, January 07, 2021

Coordinated Violence?

 Not sure how many people have seen this, since it hasn't been mentioned in any TV coverage I've seen, but the insurrection against the Capitol in Washington may not have been a standalone attack.

State capitals in at least six states--Utah, Oregon, Washington, Kansas, Texas, and Arkansas--were threatened by large, violent and armed mobs yesterday afternoon. While none of these incidents seems to have resulted in the sort of breech of security that occurred on Capitol Hill, all of them resulted in some disruption of normal activity--including lock-downs and evacuations. (

Does anyone think this is all coincidental? That there was not some sort of coordination involved? That followers of QAnon and 4-Chan and the like did not put out a call, a signal, to their compatriots that the afternoon of January 6 was the time to rise up and take control? I am not that naive.

I've seen some commentary on line comparing yesterday's insurrection to the famed Gunpowder Plot that is commemorated in Guy Fawkes Day. I think that comparison is inapposite. I think it has more in common with the Beerhall Putsch of pre-Nazi Germany. (If you're unfamiliar with that historic incident, here's a link:

Either way, we're talking an organized attempt to disrupt or overthrow the government.

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