When do you "put up" Christmas? When our kids were younger, we always made sure it was done before they were off from school, usually the weekend before their last day. We would put up the tree and we would decorate it as a family. Sometimes, I would get the outside lights done before that.
Since we became empty nesters, it seems to be getting later and later, with the only requirement being that it be ready before one or both of them came to spend time over the holidays. Confession: Last year, with the pandemic and neither of them traveling, we did nothing at all, not even a tree.
This year, I suggested we put the tree up this coming weekend, especially since we have acquired a much smaller one than usual and it will take up less space. My wife wants to wait until next week. I have acquiesced.
Of course, when I was growing up, nothing happened until Christmas Eve itself...but that's another story.
I think I did better last year. Despite my best intentions, the only time a tree has gone up over Thanksgiving was when Paul was here and we went to get a live one. This year, I finally got the table up from the basement, the cover on it, yesterday. The tree will come up today or tomorrow. Not sure if I will get any lights in the windows this year.
We’re staying with Michael until Christmas. We helped them do a lot this weekend. It’s their first house, not an apartment so they’re excited to do lights and things they did as kids but haven’t done since then. After we married we always decorated so when we invited people for Lou’s December birthday most of the decorating was done.
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