Sunday, October 10, 2021

Anything Can Happen

I am often asked why I love live theater so much...both working in it and viewing it. The answer is summed up in the title of this post: "anything can happen."

And that does not necessarily mean errors, goofs, technical mishaps--though those happen at times. It can mean wonderful things: Suddenly an actor who has been giving an adequate if not superlative perfomance is struck by inspiration and finds new readings, new insights, new interpretations of his role and begins to shine. A dancer who had been, up until now, just another chorus member, smiles and lights up the stage and the audience, as one, is suddenly unable to see anyone else in the ccmpany.

And if there is an unfortunate incident--a player goes completely off-script, a lighting or worse a sound cue happens or doesn't happen, a piece of scenery rolls on too soon--you can watch as the cast miraculously deals with it all. No one breaks character, no one looks atound as if he hasn't a clue; no, they all simply carry on, treating the mishap as if it were always intended to be that way or making it an intentionally amusing bit--so that audience members unfamiliar with the play have no idea there was a problem.

And, even if the audience does become aware of the situation, they play right along with the cast, supporting them in their troubles, applauding their pluck, giving them congratulations for muddling through.

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