As most of you know, today there's a rally (again) in Washington DC, this one aimed at "Justice for January 6"...meaning the protestors want all those arrested or charged in the events of that date in the Capitol released and charges dismissed, on the grounds that they broke no laws since they were operating on "orders" from the Commander-in-Chief.
First of all, the President's role as C-in-C only applies to members of the military. He cannot give "orders" to ordinary citizens except through signed executive orders or, more usually, properly enacted legislation.
Second, even with the military, orders that require violation of the law--such as assaulting police officers, breaking-and-entering, interfering with Congress in the fulfillment of its duties--are not legal orders.
And third, what in hell makes these people think that a few hundred (or even a few thousand) people showing up in DC is going to make the Justice Department, the DC district attorney, or any other legal entity change its mind about what happened on January 6? These people have a strange overestimation of their own importance and power in the scheme of things--perhaps brought on by their deranged leader's insistence that they are merely the vanguard of the majority of Americans who agree with them.
This protest is useless, without avail, and is only likely to result in more arrests.
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