Sunday, September 12, 2021

The 9/11 Deluge

 Continuing my comments on 9/11 overkill from Friday.

On Friday, my local paper--the Delaware County Times--devoted its front page and lead news story to a preview of local commemorations of the 20th anniversary. Also include was an eight-page insert on the subject.

Yesterday, the front-page was again about the local events and the lead stories were all about the anniversary, including statements and remembrances by local politicians and civic leaders. The editorial was also dedicated to the anniversary.

Today--you guessed it--a front-page story and the entire local news "hole" (some five pages) recounted the same commemorations that were previewed the past two days. And the local columnist used the anniversary to excoriate President Biden...not that she ever needs a pretext for doing that.

Three whole days--an entire weekend--when the only thing the editors thought worthy of front-page coverage was this anniversary, despite ongoing local and state disputes about pandemic regulations, an election "audit," school funding and more...all of which will have far greater consequences than ceremonies honoring events of two decades past.

When is enough enough?

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