There's a columnist for my local paper, Christine Flowers, who seems to have but one hobby horse--abortion. Somehow, no matter what other subject she's writing about, abortion will be mentioned. This morning, she was writing about the COVID vaccines, and sure enough, there was her old wooden mount.
So, I decided a letter to the editor was in order, and here it is:
Christine Flowers' hypocrisy and fuzzy thinking were clearly on view in her column this morning. In one paragraph she says " I want abortion criminalized. I want it banned. I want it to be recognized as the single greatest act of inhumanity in recent times." And, then, just a few paragraphs later, she says " While we can never impose Catholic morality on secular law...." And yet that is precisely what she proposed doing in her earlier stated desire--to make the Catholic position on abortion the law of the land! Which is it, Ms. Flowers?Later, she goes to great lengths to explore the morality of using cloned fetal tissue initially derived from abortions in developing the COVID vaccines...ultimately deciding that the time distance between the initial abortions in two vaccines makes them more acceptable than the third one, in which the fetal tissue was more recently acquired. This seems to me to be an odd distinction. If "abortion is murder," as Ms. Flowers so often declares, then the date of that event is immaterial--there is no statute of limitations on murder in state or federal law. Which is it, Ms. Flowers?Finally, she has decided to get the vaccination--indeed, she already has--determining that the benefits of vaccine outweigh the problematic nature of its origins. It seems if research using fetal tissue benefits Ms. Flowers, all is well and good...but, as she has stated in the past, and as her Catholic morality holds, similar research into cures and treatments for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, MS, ALS, and a host of other musculo-neural ailments is anathema and must cease. Which is it, Ms. Flowers?
I hope the newspaper prints your comment. Such hypocrisy needs calling out.
They usually do, including when I have commented on her column before.
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