Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Unbelievably Heartless

 My local papet, The Delaware County Daily Times, has a feature called "Sound Off" in which readers can call or e-mail with anonymous commentary on news or local events or just a personal pet peeve.

Today, it included what has to be the most heartless two paragraphs I have ever read in my life. At first, I thought the author was dealing in sarcasm, but by the second paragraph I knew she was deadly (and I mean that adverb literally) serious. Here it is in its entirety:


I hate these school shootings! Every single time there’s one, the same people start with the whining. “Oh the guns! Oh the guns are bad! We have to do something about all the guns!” Here’s what needs to be done about all the guns. Nothing. That’s right. Nothing. Because it’s not the big awful problem these dummies try to make it out to be. These Dumocrats, they exaggerate everything. Look, there are tens of millions of schoolkids in the country. In any given year, how many get gunned down?

A couple dozen, maybe three dozen in a busier year. Out of so many millions of kids, that’s nothing! Look, COVID was another big exaggeration, but more kids probably died from that than from school shootings. Just stop with the moaning. Crying about it only makes more people want to shoot up schools. Stop making those shootings front-page news. There’s more important things going on, like how Biden is destroying the country.


 I have nothing more to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the battle. Regardless of politics, we have idiots like Marci who truly believe (any) child's death is worth gun access.