Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Hot or Cold?

 Which bothers you more--extreme heat or extreme cold?

I'd have to say extreme heat, such as we are experiencing right now in my area. In extreme cold, I can always put on more layers, or snuggle in the blankets, or turn up the heat, without risking that I am overtaxing the power grid. In extreme heat, I can't go any further than naked...and even that won't necessarily be a relief. And I cannot really spend the entire day in air conditioning and, even if I did, it stresses both my own system and the area's power supply.

I'd be happy to live somewhere that the average temperature ran from 75 degrees (Fahrenheit) in summer to 40 degrees in winter, on average. Sure, there might be occasional days when it hit 85 in summer and the nights when it got below freezing in winter, but those can be dealt with.

I'd just like to live in a temperate climate that was really temperate.

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